Maybe it’s time you think about trying something new. Exercising your brain through apps can be fun too.
Keeping your brain engaged in retirement should be prioritized as an important daily activity. So much of brain health depends on challenging your mind. If you struggle with incorporating that into your lifestyle, Hello Brain Health is a good application for you to try.
Unlike many of the apps that focus on puzzles and games to stimulate your brain, this one provides users with research related to brain health that is easy to understand. The content is divided into 5 categories: physical, social, mental, attitude and lifestyle. Each category has tips and suggestions for keeping your brain fit. The app also links users to the website which regularly publishes new material on the subject. Make it a habit to incorporate both as part of daily brain stimulation.
Personal Zen is an app featuring a game that focuses on training the brain to be more optimistic. The contest follows two mole-like creatures through a field of grass as they burrow to their destination. One of the characters dons a scowl while the other looks pleasant and comfortable. The goal of the game is to get users to see the glass half full. Seeing the good in life enhances our response to adversity. And besides, don’t we all want to reduce stress and feel zen?
If there’s such a thing as a “traditional” brain training application, Eidetic fits that mold, at least more closely than the others we’ve discussed. The app consists of puzzles and games utilizing spaced repetition to aid in building memory. Unlike the games in the highly publicized app Lumosity, Eidetic uses objects that mean something to the user.
Eidetic aims to help users remember phone numbers, new vocabulary words or other important details in their lives. Along the way it provides well-timed opportunities to test yourself. Different intensity levels allow users to manipulate the time spent testing.