Below are some suggestions that will help you plan for retirement years that are filled with discovery, living with purpose, and continued engaging relationships, both new and old.
The first step to planning in retirement, as you might guess, is to actually make a plan. What is it that you hope to achieve during these years? Where do you see yourself living? What do you want to do? Perhaps you want to travel, see new places, and experience new cultures. Maybe you want to learn new skills, like how to become an expert pastry chef, how to play the piano, or how to speak a new language. Or, maybe you really want to spend this wonderful time in your life developing meaningful and uplifting relationships with your family and friends.
When you think about what you hope to do and achieve during the rest of your life, use that to guide you in creating a plan that will keep you on track towards achieving those goals.
When planning how to spend your time once you retire from a long-time career, take the things that are important to you into careful consideration. For some, a new, or “encore” career may be the next step. What talents or skills do you have? Many people consider volunteering for causes that they feel passionate about. Let's say a new commitment to wellness is important to you. So you might research enjoyable ways that will help achieve better health and wellness.
Once you’ve defined what matters to you, do your research and make a plan to include these activities in your every-day life. It may take some time and training to accomplish this, but that’s OK. You’ll be on the path to achieving your goals before you know it.
Looking for an active retirement community where you are able to walk, bike, and swim every day may be part of that plan. Your values are an important part of who you are. Finding a community that aligns with your fundamental values and interests will allow you to enjoy a fully enriching life. For instance, if playing a role in charity work is important to you, a community that offers opportunities to volunteer will be well suited to you. If you prefer lifelong learning, then an organization that enables you to take (or simply audit) classes in a variety of subjects would be a great option.
Whether you’re looking to explore your creative side or want plenty of opportunities to appreciate the creative efforts of others, choosing a retirement community that really speaks to your interests and who you are is exceptionally important. This is an absolutely amazing time in your life, and with proper planning and goal setting, it truly will be one of the best times of your life!
We would love to hear about some of your values and interests that are important to you when setting your goals in retirement. Comment below!