To help you reap the benefits of social media, we’ve put together a list of terms associated with three of the most-used social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Google+. These should make it easier to get started using social media.
1. Friend Request: This is a request you get when another user requests to connect with you.
2. Like: When you see something posted that you enjoy, you can “Like” it to show your appreciation. It’s a thumbs-up symbol.
3, Newsfeed: This is the main page of Facebook and is a collection of all of your friends’ recent activity. You can scroll through to see everything that is new!
4. Status Update: This is what you can post to update your friends on anything new going on in your life. You can also post an interesting article or picture.
5. Notification: You will receive a notification each time someone sends you a friend requests or interacts with something you have posted. Notifications update you on what is going on.
1. Follower: This is the term given to the people who have voluntarily chosen to “follow you”—meaning they will see all of your updates.
2. Tweet: A tweet is a message that you write and share with your followers. It is limited to 140 characters.
3. Twitter feed: A scrolling, constantly-updating feed that shows the list of tweets from people that you follow.
4. Retweet: When you retweet a message from someone else, you are sharing it on your own feed with your followers.
5. Hashtag: Words or phrases that are preceded by a hashtag (#) become links that are searchable throughout the Twitter world. Including hashtags with your tweets allows you to join the conversation on popular topics.
1. Circles: Used to organize your friends and followers into similar categories or groups.
2. Stream: This is similar to the Facebook Newsfeed and is where you will see updates from people in your circles.
3. Hangouts: These are organized meetings with your Google+ followers in which you can all connect in a video chat (with up to 10 people!).
4. +1: A button that allows you to share someone else’s post with your followers.
Although it may seem confusing at first, social media can quickly become a very positive part of your everyday life. With a little patience and practice, you’ll be interacting within the social media world before you know it!